Sunday, February 26, 2012

I am sick. Being sick stinks. I hate being sick. Being sick reminds me of dirty socks. Dirty socks smell like sweat. I don't like sweat. Sweat makes me sweaty. You get sweat when you run around. Why does Santa Claus have a beard? Why couldn't he have a mustach or perhaps a goti? This world doesn't make much sense to me. I should move to Mars, or maybe Venus, or perhaps Jupiter. Yea, that sounds good. I think gravity is overrated. I mean who around here just wants to stay on the ground all their life. I would rather fly around. Who's with me? Today I played Plants vs. Zombies. Which is like the funnest game in the world! You plant plants on your lawn/roof to protect your brains from zombies, and when your brains get eaten green slime goes on you screen saying, The Zombies Ate Your Brains! and then it screams, Nooooooo!

1 comment:

Sophia said...

Sorry I keep changing my design. I just couldn't quite find my look. Well, I found it and it couldn't be better!